Our Mission
The Coastal Plains Groundwater Conservation District (“the District”) is committed to manage and protect the groundwater resources of the District. The District is committed to maintaining a sustainable, adequate, reliable, cost effective and high quality source of groundwater to promote the vitality, economy and environment of the District. The District will work with and for the citizens of the District and cooperate with other local, regional and state agencies involved in the study and management of groundwater resources. The District will take no action without a full consideration of the groundwater needs of the citizens of the District and due consideration of private property rights.
Public Notice
The Coastal Plains Groundwater Conservation District has 4 board positions up for election on November 08, 2022. These board positions are for Precinct 1, Precinct 3, and 2- At Large. Contact the CPGCD office for more information at 979-323-9170.