What We Do

The Coastal Plains Groundwater Conservation District (CPGCD or District) is a political subdivision of the State of Texas. In a confirmation election held on November 6, 2001, Matagorda County voters approved the creation of the District, elected seven Directors to the Board of Directors, and approved its authority to assess an ad valorem tax on Matagorda County property owners. The District boundaries are the same as the area and extent of Matagorda County, Texas.

The mission of the Coastal Plains Groundwater Conservation District is to manage and protect the groundwater resources of the District. The District is committed to maintaining a sustainable, adequate, reliable, cost effective and high quality source of groundwater to promote the vitality, economy, and environment of the District. The District will work with and for the citizens of the District and cooperate with other local, regional and state agencies involved in the study and management of groundwater resources. The District shall take no action without full consideration of the groundwater needs of the citizens of the District.

In the Spring of 2003, the District opened its office in Bay City and the new General Manager, Neil Hudgins along with all Board Members, began working to bring the District into operational status. On August 1, 2004, the board adopted rules and regulations became effective to the public. The District office is currently staffed by Administrative Assistant Sandra Horris. Manager Neil Hudgins co-manages the Coastal Bend Groundwater Conservation District of Wharton County and shares his time between Districts. The District Office is generally open on weekdays from 8 am – 5 pm except when the staff must perform work away from the office.

The Board of Directors holds regular monthly meetings and the public is encouraged to attend. These meetings are normally held on the fourth Thursday of odd number months at 7 a.m. just above our office in the 4th floor conference room of the Matagorda County Office Building at 2200 7th Street, Bay City, Texas. The Board Meeting Notices and Agendas are posted at the Matagorda County Courthouse in the city of Bay City at least three days prior to the Board Meeting. Should circumstances require a different meeting time or place; the information will be included in the notices posted in the above mentioned location. Members of the public may also obtain copies of the Agenda prior to the meeting by coming by the District Office or by fax (979-323-9964) or email if requested.

Our Directors

The Board was created to determine policy and regulate the withdrawal of groundwater within the boundaries of the District for the purposes of conserving, preserving, protecting and recharging the groundwater within the District, and for the purpose of preventing waste of the groundwater within the District, and to exercise its rights, powers, and duties in a way that will effectively and expeditiously accomplish the purposes of the District Act and of Chapter 36, Water Code, as amended, and of Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution. The Board’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the adoption and enforcement of reasonable rules and other orders.

The Board of Directors is elected by the people within their Directors precincts, under the general Election laws of Texas.

Mark Kubecka

Board Chairman – Pct #3
Term: 2022-2026

Deedy Huffman

Vice Chair – At Large
Term:  2022-2026

Herff Cornelius

Director – Pct #2
Term: 2020-2024

Billy Mann

Director – At Large
Term: 2020-2024

Craig Kucera

Director – Pct #1
Term: 2022-2026

Mike Saha

Diretor – Pct #4
Term:  2020-2024

Ryan Kubecka

Director – At Large
Term: 2022-2026


Our Staff

Neil Hudgins – General Manager
Email: nhudgins@cbgcd.com

Neil is a native of Wharton County, Texas and a seventh generation Texan. He attended Texas A&M University where he received his Bachelor of Business Administration with a specilization in Management Information Systems. Neil began working for the Coastal Bend Groundwater Conservation District of Wharton County, TX as Manager in December 2002. In January 2003, Neil signed a contract with the Coastal Plains GCD of Matagorda County, TX to co-manage the two neighboring districts. He, his wife, Courtney, and daughters, Audrey and Kate reside in Hungerford, TX which is the homeplace to his family’s world renowned brahman cattle ranch, J.D. Hudgins, Inc.

Sandra Horris – Office Manager
Email: shorris@co.matagorda.tx.us

Sandra has been with the Coastal Plains GCD since 2004. She and her husband, Joe, relocated to Bay City, TX in 2003 along with their children, Mark and Joseph, from Damon, TX. Sandra is active in the community with 4-H, Red Cross, and sports activities. She graduated from Needville High School and went to work for a Construction Machinery Manufacturer with whom she was employed for 15 years. She currently holds the position as CPGCD Office Manager.

Contact us


2200 7th Street, Ste 401
Bay City, TX 77414


Our office is open weekdays
from 8 am – 5 pm.

